There is an old saying, “A place for everything and everything in its place.” This is perfect advice for keeping your home tidy. An organized home can give you a sense of accomplishment, happiness, and piece of mind. Do you tend to put something down thinking you’ll put it away later? Well, don’t wait until later when you’ll be too exhausted to straighten up. Putting items in their place when you are finished using them only takes a minute and won’t overwhelm you at the end of the day. Here are quick, easy tips for a clutter-free entry way and living room.
Five Clutter Busters for an Organized Home
1. Keys: No more running around like a crazy person when you are trying to leave the house because you can’t find your keys. Place them on a hook near the door or in a dish designated for keys. They’ll always be there when you need them.
2. Mail: There is no reason to have stacks of mail on every available surface. As soon as it comes out of the mailbox, go through your mail and toss all of the “junk” into the recycling bin. Sort the rest and store it in a basket until you are ready to respond to it. But don’t wait too long to take care of business. You don’t want your basket to be overflowing to the point you forget to meet response deadlines.
3. Shoes: Frustrated from tripping over shoes? Designate an area, shoe rack or bin to put shoes when you take them off. Taking shoes off before walking into the main areas of the home also keeps your floors cleaner! To be extra diligent, each evening put your shoes away in their bedroom closet so you don’t end up with an unsightly mountain of shoes.
4. Coats: Chairs and banisters are not meant to be coat racks. A proper coat rack by the door or a hall closet with an ample supply of hangers are the perfect spots for coats. Hang up your coat each time you take it off for a mess-free zone.
5. Evening Walk-through: It may seem insignificant, but before you go to bed, fold throw blankets, and straighten decorative pillows. Put remotes on a tray or in a small basket so they are easily found. And take anything with you that doesn’t belong in the living room. Those items should be stashed in their rightful spots as well.
When you make a habit of putting everything in its place, your house will become the calm sanctuary it was meant to be. And as an added bonus, each morning you’ll appreciate that your home is ready for a fresh start.
Stacey Imber, owner of Moving Crew NJ, LLC, has seen a lot of messy homes. She uses these Clutter Busters in her own home for peace of mind, although she still can’t get her husband Ian to hang up his coat.
Moving Crew NJ is a family-owned, local moving company. Whether you are moving one piece of furniture within your home or the entire contents of your house, Moving Crew NJ, LLC is the company to call. Contact Moving Crew NJ, LLC, at (732) 991-4551 or visit movingcrewnj.com for all your moving needs. No job is too small!