It’s almost moving day. You’ve made sure your children’s and your pets’ transitions will be smooth, but what about your plants? People and animals aren’t the only ones that experience stress when moving; plants do, too!

Plants do best when they stay in one place. They don’t like change. Even if you move them within your home, you may notice the leaves wilting or turning yellow, and their growth may be stunted. Now imagine moving them to a new home. There is no guarantee that they’ll survive the move, but here’s how you can give them a fighting chance.
· On the day of your move, you’ll have a lot happening so your plants won’t be in the forefront of your mind. Be sure to water them a day or two prior to your move.
· To ensure that your taller plants don’t break during transport, wrap them gently with an old bed sheet.
· Arrange smaller plants in a garbage bag-lined box and add newspaper around the pots so they are snug to avoid too much movement. Also, placing plants in a box taller than them keeps them safer.
· If you are moving locally, it’s best to move your plants in your vehicle. Most moving companies don’t like to move plants. If you do put them on the truck, make sure that the plants won't be in either extreme heat or cold environments on the way to your new home. They will be fine in the dark for a couple of days.
And finally, your plants need time to acclimate to their new home. Talk to them a little longer. Make sure their soil is moist. Are they getting enough sun? Too much sun? Be extra good to them for the next few days.
Written by Stacey Imber, Co-Owner of Moving Crew NJ, LLC
Moving Crew NJ, LLC, is a family-owned, local moving company that recognizes the difficulties of taking your precious plants to your new home. When Ian and I moved, the Crew was able to transport our 8’ palm tree without incident. Moving Crew NJ will get it there safely, efficiently, and economically. Contact Moving Crew NJ, LLC, at or visit for all your moving needs. We make moving easy.